Are Magnetic Septum Rings Safe?

by Nick Hall

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With the increasing popularity of body jewelry, more and more people are turning to magnetic septum rings as an alternative to traditional piercings. But is this form of body adornment truly safe? In this article, we explore the safety of magnetic septum rings and provide important tips on how to use them responsibly. From the materials used to make them, to proper cleaning and maintenance, readers will learn all the basics about this unique form of body jewelry and how it can be enjoyed safely. So read on to find out if magnetic septum rings are truly safe for body adornment!

What are Magnetic Septum Rings?

Magnetic septum rings are a type of body jewelry that typically feature a strong neodymium magnet inserted into the piercing. They come in a variety of materials:

  • Surgical steel: A strong, durable material that is well-suited for body jewelry and easy to clean.
  • Titanium: A lightweight metal used in many forms of body adornment that is highly resistant to corrosion and oxidation.
  • Neodymium Magnets: Powerful magnets that are often used in magnetic septum rings as they provide a stronger hold and last longer than plastic or steel options.
  • Plastic: A lightweight and inexpensive material that is suitable for body jewelry.

Septum rings are often worn as an alternative to traditional body piercings. They can be found in a variety of styles and sizes, for example:

  • Plain: a single, solid-colored ring with a magnetic closure
  • Decorative: a ring featuring intricate designs or patterns
  • Hoop: a larger ring with an open design
  • Clustered: multiple smaller rings connected to form one larger piece of jewelry.
  • Hinged: a two-piece design with a magnetic closure
  • Curved: a curved design that can be customized for a more unique look.

Are Magnetic Septum Rings Safe?

Yes – when used properly! While there is no definitive answer as to how safe magnetic septum rings are, they can be generally considered safe when combined with proper cleaning and maintenance. It’s important to understand that these rings will attract small metal objects such as paperclips or staples and therefore should not be worn if you are working in a high-risk environment. Additionally, make sure you clean your ring regularly using hot water and soap (or an appropriate store-bought cleaner) to prevent infection.

Proper Cleaning and Maintenance of Magnetic Septum Rings

To ensure your magnetic septum rings are safe and hygienic, it’s important to practice proper cleaning and maintenance. Here are some tips to help you keep your jewelry in good condition:

• Clean the ring daily with hot water and soap (or an appropriate store-bought cleaner).

• Avoid contact with other metal objects or liquids that could damage the magnet.

• Replace worn magnets as soon as possible to prevent injury.

• If wearing multiple magnetic septum rings, alternate them between piercings to reduce stress on the skin.

• Visit a professional body piercing studio for any concerns or questions about your jewelry.

When used properly, magnetic septum rings are a safe form of body adornment. Be sure to practice proper cleaning and maintenance when wearing your jewelry, as this will help reduce the risk of infection or injury. If you have any questions or concerns about magnetic septum rings, it’s best to speak with a professional piercer for advice.

What are the Potential Risks of Magnetic Septum Rings?

Although magnetic septum rings are generally safe, there are still some potential risks that need to be considered. These include:

Infection: Even with proper cleaning and maintenance, it is still possible for bacteria or other pathogens to enter the piercing.

Damage to Skin: Wearing multiple magnetic septa rings at once can cause stress on the skin and lead to tissue damage over time.

Damage from Foreign Objects: Magnetic septum rings may attract small metallic objects such as paperclips or staples, which can pose a danger of cutting if they come into contact with the magnet.

Magnetic Interference: When worn in close proximity to other electronic devices (e.g., pacemakers, oxygen tanks), magnetic septum rings may cause interference or damage.

Pain and Discomfort: In some instances, magnetic septum rings may be too heavy or not properly sized for the wearer and cause discomfort when worn.

It is important to keep these potential risks in mind when deciding whether magnetic septum rings are right for you. If you have any questions or concerns, it’s best to speak with a professional piercer before wearing your jewelry.

Does a magnetic septum ring hurt?

A magnetic septum ring should not hurt when worn. However, it is possible to experience some discomfort if the ring is too heavy or not properly sized for your piercing. Additionally, if a magnet becomes lodged in the piercing, it can cause pain. To reduce your risk of experiencing any pain or discomfort while wearing a magnetic septum ring, make sure to choose one that is lightweight and correctly sized for your piercing. If you have any questions or concerns about sizing, it’s best to consult with a professional piercer before wearing your jewelry. Additionally, be sure to practice proper cleaning and maintenance of the ring – this will help reduce the risk of infection and ensure optimal comfort while wearing it!

Should I take my magnetic septum ring out at night?

It is not necessary to take your magnetic septum ring out at night unless it is causing discomfort or interfering with other electronic devices. However, it may be beneficial to remove the jewelry before bed and clean it regularly to reduce the risk of infection. Be sure to keep an eye on the condition of your magnet – if it becomes worn or damaged, replace it as soon as possible to prevent injury. Finally, if you experience any pain or discomfort while wearing the ring, it’s best to speak with a professional piercer for advice.

Can you inhale a magnetic nose ring?

No, you should not inhale a magnetic nose ring. Even if the magnet is small, it can still be dangerous to breathe them in due to its strength. Additionally, foreign objects that become lodged in the lungs or airways can cause serious health issues. If a magnet is accidentally swallowed, seek medical attention immediately. To prevent this from happening, always wear your jewelry securely and store it away from small children or pets to avoid accidental ingestion. Finally, be sure to practice proper cleaning and maintenance of your magnetic septum rings – this will help reduce the risk of infection and keep them safe for wear!

How do you wear a magnetic septum ring?

When wearing a magnetic septum ring, it is important to make sure it fits properly and securely. Start by selecting the right size for your piercing – if you have any questions or concerns, speak with a professional piercer for advice. When inserting the magnet into your nose, be careful not to force it too far as this could cause pain or injury. It may take some time to get used to wearing the jewelry, but eventually, the magnet will sit securely in place without needing much adjustment. Finally, cleaning and maintaining your magnetic septum rings regularly will help reduce the risk of infection while keeping them comfortable and secure!


Overall, magnetic septum rings can be a great option for those looking to achieve a unique look without having to worry about the risks associated with traditional piercing methods. When worn and cared for properly, these rings are generally safe and comfortable. However, it is important to keep in mind that there is still a risk of discomfort or damage associated with them, so always consult with a professional piercer if you have any questions or concerns. With the right information and care, magnetic septum rings can be a fun and stylish way to express yourself – just remember to wear and maintain them responsibly!