Exploring The Different Nose Piercing Types: From Nasallang To Septum

by Nick Hall

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If you’ve ever considered a nose piercing, the sheer variety of options can be overwhelming. I know this all too well because I walked in your shoes, navigating through the maze of countless nose-piercing types – from common septum piercings to more exotic nasallang ones! This article demystifies different categories of nose piercings and provides insights into aftercare routinespotential risks, and suitable jewelry options for each type.

Are you ready to discover which piercing could best express your style?

Key Takeaways

  • Nose piercings offer a variety of options for self-expression and personal style, from the unique Nasallang piercing to the popular Septum piercing.
  • Each type of nose piercing has its own distinct placement and aesthetic appeal, such as the Austin Bar piercing’s horizontal tip placement or the Vertical Tip (Rhino) piercing above the nose tip.
  • Aftercare is crucial for proper healing, regardless of the type of nose piercing chosen. This includes cleaning with saline solution and avoiding excessive touching or rotating of jewelry.
  • Jewelry options for nose piercings include straight barbells, curved barbells, horseshoe barbells, studs, rings, clickers, beads, captive rings, and more. Choosing suitable jewelry helps enhance individual style and comfort.

Understanding Different Nose Piercing Types

In this section, we will explore the various types of nose piercings, including Nasallang piercing, Austin Bar piercing, Vertical Tip piercing (Rhino), Septum piercing, Septril piercing, Triple Nostril piercing, High Nostril piercing, and Nostril piercing.

Nasallang Piercing

Diving into the world of nose piercings (check out this Instagram hashtag!), we find a myriad of styles to choose from. One that stands out for its unique design and bold statement is the nasallang piercing. Think of it as an intensive tri-nasal piercing, strategically leveraging one barbell to pass through the right Nostril, Septum, and left Nostril simultaneously.

It’s a popular choice among both men and women due to its balanced aesthetic appeal that gives off an edgy yet stylish vibe.

Although it might appear as two separate piercings at first glance – be not deceived! The single barbell running straight across the schnoz creates this illusion. Often confused with double nostril piercings or the Austin Bar style, where placement varies significantly, nasallang distinguishes itself by being one continuous line across your honker.

Remember—a nasallang piercing isn’t for everyone—it’s considered one of our more extreme options due to its intensity level. Yet those who have braved it consider their nasallang not only a fashion-forward accessory but also a testament to their resilience—a symbol that they are willing to endure short-term discomfort for long-term gain in self-expression and individuality.

Austin Bar Piercing

In the world of body modification, Austin Bar Piercing stands as a unique mark of personal expressiveness. This type of nose piercing is distinctive for its horizontal placement through the tip of your nose—not through the Nostril or Septum like other common types.

So, if you’re envisioning a bold statement piece on your face, an Austin bar might just fit that bill.

Despite being one of the rarest types of piercings, it’s quickly gaining popularity among fitness enthusiasts and self-growth advocates who appreciate its distinct aesthetic appeal. The process involves using a standard piercing needle to create two entry points on each side at the tip of your nose, where a straight piece of jewelry then threads through.

Because it doesn’t penetrate any cartilage or bone—like in nasallang or septum piercings—the healing time may be somewhat shorter, making it an appealingly unconventional choice for those eager to explore different types of nose piercings.

Vertical Tip Piercing (Rhino)

Defined by its distinctive location and unique appeal, the Vertical Tip Piercing, also known as Rhino piercing, is a powerful statement in the world of body modification. Positioned directly above the top of your nose tip and ending under your nose between the nostrils, this type of nose piercing offers an edgy aesthetic that sets it apart from traditional nostril piercings.

The actual piercing process sees a standard piercing needle passing through the skin at the tip of your nose to exit above your Septum – not for those faint-hearted! Because it’s considered unisex and exclusive among different types of piercings, you’ll find both men and women sporting this uncommon kind of piercing accessory with pride.

As for adornments used? A curved barbell typically takes center stage in a rhino piercing – exhibiting both ends visibly – adding to its distinct charm. So if you’re seeking novelty or simply want to stand out from usual piercings like nostrils or septum ones, getting a rhino might just be worth considering.

Septum Piercing

If you’re considering a nose piercing that’s both trendy and versatile, look no further than the Septum piercing. This type of piercing is located in the middle of your nose, right between your nostrils.

It’s a great option for those who want to add some edge to their look without committing to something too extreme. The septum piercing has a rich history, with various cultures embracing different styles throughout time.

For example, in some cultures, it was considered a sign of wealth and status, while in others, it symbolized spiritual enlightenment. Today, it’s loved by many for its ability to be easily hidden or shown off depending on personal preference.

girl with septum piercings and red hair, artistic makeup portrait

Septril Piercing

One unique and intriguing nose piercing option is the septril piercing, which combines elements of both the rhino and septum piercings. This daring piercing attaches through the top of the nose and exits above the Septum, creating a distinctive look.

With its curved barbell jewelry, this type of piercing offers endless options for personalization. Whether you prefer curved barbells, eyelets, or tunnels, you can truly make this piercing your own.

The septril piercing has a rich history that spans thousands of years and has been favored by various cultures throughout time, making it an appealing choice for those seeking self-expression through body modification.

Triple Nostril Piercing

I’ve always been fascinated by body modifications, especially nose piercings. One type that really caught my attention is the triple nostril piercing. This unique piercing involves getting three holes pierced on the same Nostril, creating a stunning and edgy look.

It’s perfect for those who want to make a bold statement with their style.

The triple nostril piercing uses standard piercing needles and typically takes around 4-6 weeks to heal completely. Aftercare is crucial to ensure proper healing, which includes cleaning the area with saline solution and avoiding touching or rotating the jewelry too much.

When it comes to jewelry options, you can choose from straight or curved barbells, beads, captive rings, or even nose screws for a versatile and stylish touch.

This type of nose piercing offers endless possibilities for self-expression and individuality. Whether you’re into fitness or just someone looking for something new and exciting in your life, the triple nostril piercing could be the perfect addition to your personal journey of self-growth and exploration.

High Nostril Piercing

When it comes to nose piercings, the high nostril piercing is a unique and alternative option that you might consider. Unlike the standard nostril piercing, which is centrally located on the side of your nose, the high nostril piercing is positioned higher up, closer to the cartilage.

This makes it stand out and adds an edgy touch to your overall look. If you’re someone who values individuality and wants a nose piercing, that’s different from the norm, then the high nostril piercing might be perfect for you.

It’s important to note that this type of piercing requires careful placement by a professional piercer to ensure optimal healing and minimize any potential complications. So if you’re looking for a distinctive nose jewelry option that sets you apart from others, definitely give high Nostril piercing some serious consideration.

Nostril Piercing

Nostril piercing is one of the most common types of nose piercings. It involves piercing through the side of the Nostril, creating an opening for jewelry such as studs or rings. This type of piercing has a rich history dating back over 4,000 years and is popular among people looking to express their personal style.

Nostril piercings can be a great option for individuals who are into fitness and self-growth, as they offer a unique way to enhance your overall look and boost your confidence. Understanding the different types of nose piercings available, including nostril piercing, can help you make an informed decision if you’re considering getting your nose pierced.

Bridge Nose Piercing

One of the unique and trendy types of nose piercings is the bridge nose piercing. This piercing is done across the bridge of the nose, between the eyes, creating a horizontal hole that adds an edgy touch to your look.

Also known as an Earl piercing, it involves going through both the skin and cartilage of your nose. The healing process for a bridge nose piercing typically lasts around 8 to 12 weeks, during which you need to take proper care to prevent infections or complications.

With its distinctive placement and stylish jewelry options, a bridge nose piercing can be a bold statement piece that sets you apart from the crowd. So if you’re looking for a body modification that combines style with self-expression, consider adding this fascinating type of nose piercing to your collection.

The Significance of Nose Piercings

Nose piercings hold a significant cultural and symbolic meaning for many people across different cultures. Throughout history, nose piercings have been used as a form of body modification to enhance beauty or signify religious devotion.

They have also been seen as a mark of bravery and personal independence.

In various cultures, nose piercings are considered an exploration of self-expression and peace. For some individuals, getting their nose pierced can represent a milestone in their personal growth journey.

It is seen as an act of embracing one’s unique identity and breaking free from societal norms.

Additionally, nose piercings have become increasingly popular among people who prioritize their physical health and well-being. Many individuals who engage in fitness activities or lead active lifestyles find that nose piercings add an extra touch of style to their appearance while still allowing them to maintain their exercise routines with ease.

Whether you choose a subtle nostril piercing or opt for something more daring like a septum piercing, it’s important to remember that the significance lies not only in the jewelry but also in the meaning behind your choice.

By understanding the cultural and historical context surrounding nose piercings, you can fully embrace this form of self-expression while honoring its rich symbolism.

girl with several nose rings and septum piercing on a black background

Jewelry Options for Different Nose Piercings

Discover a variety of stunning jewelry options to complement your unique nose piercing and express your personal style. From straight barbells to septum clickers, there’s something for everyone.

Don’t miss out on finding the perfect piece – read on!

Straight, curved, and horseshoe barbells

I absolutely love how versatile straight, curved, and horseshoe barbells are when it comes to nose piercings. These types of jewelry can be worn in various nose piercing placements, such as the Nostril, bridge, or Septum.

For those who are active and enjoy working out, these barbells offer a secure and comfortable fit that won’t easily come out during physical activities. Whether you prefer a classic straight barbell or a more stylish curved design, these options allow you to express your personal style while still maintaining an active lifestyle.

Additionally, circular barbells or horseshoes are perfect for septum piercings as they provide a sleek look and can easily be flipped up when needed. So don’t limit yourself when choosing the right jewelry for your nose piercing – embrace the versatility of straight, curved, and horseshoe barbells!

Bead captive rings

Bead captive rings are a fantastic option for nose piercings, especially if you’re into fitness or an active lifestyle. These rings are known for their versatility and ease of use. They consist of a circular ring that holds a decorative bead in place using tension.

The absence of attached ends gives them a sleek and seamless appearance that won’t interfere with your workouts. Whether you prefer simple or extravagant beads, there’s no shortage of customization options to suit your style.

So go ahead, rock those bead captive rings, and elevate your look while staying true to your active self!

Septum clickers

One of the popular options for septum piercings is the use of septum clickers. These unique pieces of jewelry consist of a small metal bar that clicks into place, offering a secure and comfortable fit.

Septum clickers provide a creative alternative to traditional nose ring assortments, allowing you to switch up your look effortlessly. With various style options available, such as seamless rings, captive rings, pinchers, horseshoe rings or circular barbells, septum tusks, and spikes, you can find the perfect clicker that suits your personal style and adds an extra touch of flair to your nose piercing.

So if you’re looking for a fresh and unique way to enhance your nose piercings, consider giving septum clickers a try!

Aftercare and Healing Times for Nose Piercings

Taking care of your nose piercing is crucial for proper healing and preventing any complications. Here are some essential aftercare tips and healing times to keep in mind:

  • Clean the piercing twice a day using a saline solution or a gentle, fragrance-free soap. This helps to remove any build-up of bacteria or debris.
  • Avoid touching the piercing with dirty hands, as this can introduce bacteria and hinder the healing process.
  • Be mindful of what products come into contact with your piercing, such as makeup or facial cleansers. Opt for non-comedogenic and hypoallergenic options to minimize irritation.
  • Avoid swimming in pools, hot tubs, or bodies of water during the initial healing period. These environments can harbor bacteria that may lead to infection.
  • When exercising or participating in physical activities that cause sweating, be sure to clean your piercing afterward to prevent bacteria growth.
  • It’s important to be patient during the healing process as each individual’s body heals at its own pace. On average, nostril piercings take about 2-3 months to heal completely. However, depending on factors like jewelry type or individual health, it may take up to 6 months for full healing.
  • Septum piercings typically have a shorter healing time of around 3 – 4 months. Again, individual variations may affect this timeline.
  • Be cautious when changing jewelry too soon or too frequently, as this can disrupt the healing process and prolong recovery time.

Potential Complications of Nose Piercings

Getting a nose piercing can be exciting, but it’s important to be aware of the potential complications that can arise. One common complication is infection. Nose piercings create an open wound, and if not properly cared for, bacteria can enter the piercing site and cause an infection.

Staphylococcus aureus is a type of bacteria that commonly causes infections in nasal piercings. This can lead to redness, swelling, pus discharge, and even fever.

Another risk associated with nose piercings is jewelry-related complications. Loose or ill-fitting jewelry can cause irritation or even become a danger if inhaled or swallowed accidentally. It’s crucial to choose high-quality jewelry made from suitable materials like surgical steel or titanium to minimize the risk of allergic reactions or other complications.

Additionally, nose piercings have varying healing times depending on the type of piercing you get. Healing times typically range from 3-12 months. During this period, it’s essential to follow proper aftercare instructions provided by your piercer to avoid any delays in healing or potential complications.

While these risks exist, they can usually be minimized with proper care and attention. It’s crucial to clean your piercing regularly as instructed by your piercer using saline solution or saltwater soaks.

Avoid touching your piercing with dirty hands and rotating the jewelry excessively during healing.

Remember that everyone heals differently, so it’s essential to monitor your nose piercing closely and seek professional help if you notice any signs of infection, such as increased pain, excessive swelling, yellow/green discharge, or fever/chills.

Being informed about potential risks will empower you to make wiser decisions regarding nose piercings while taking necessary precautions for safe healing and avoiding unnecessary complications along the way.


In conclusion, nose piercings offer a wide range of options for those looking to express their individuality. From the unique and intense Nasallang piercing to the popular and recognized Septum piercing, there is a type of nose piercing to suit everyone’s style.

With proper aftercare and consideration of potential complications, getting a nose piercing can be an exciting journey toward self-expression and body modification. So go ahead and explore the different types of nose piercings – it’s time to make your mark!


1. What is a nasallang nose piercing?

A nasallang nose piercing is a type of piercing that passes through both nostrils and the Septum, creating a unique and bold look. It requires great skill from an experienced piercer.

2. How long does it take for a septum piercing to heal?

The healing time for a septum piercing can vary, but on average, it takes about 6-8 weeks for the initial healing process. However, complete healing may take several months or even up to a year.

3. Are there any risks associated with getting a high nostril piercing?

Like any other type of body piercing, there are potential risks with high nostril piercings. These include infection, allergic reactions to jewelry materials, scarring, migration or rejection of the jewelry, and damage to surrounding tissues if not properly done.

4. Can I change my jewelry after getting a nose piercing?

It is generally recommended to wait until your nose piercing has fully healed before changing the jewelry. This usually takes around 6-8 weeks for standard nostril piercings and longer for more complex types like Septum or nasallang piercings. Changing the jewelry too soon can disrupt the healing process and increase the risk of complications.