How Do You Blow Your Nose if You Have a Septum Piercing?

by Nick Hall

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Having a septum piercing can be an exciting and stylish addition to your look, but it also comes with some extra care requirements. One such requirement is learning how to safely blow your nose when you have a septum piercing. If done incorrectly, blowing your nose could cause discomfort or even lead to infection. Here’s everything you need to know about how to blow your nose safely with a septum piercing.

What Is a Septum Piercing?

A septum piercing is a type of body modification that involves inserting a piece of jewelry or decoration through the thin tissue located in between your nostrils. It is one of the more popular types of facial piercings, especially among younger generations who appreciate its unique look and style. The thin tissue pierced by a septum piercing is called the nasal septum, which separates the two sides of your nose.

Septum piercings have been around since ancient times and were once used to mark members of certain tribes or religions. Today, they are mainly used as an aesthetic choice – although they can also be used as part of some healing practices such as ayurvedic medicine. While some people may find them intimidating at first, septum piercings are generally not considered to be too painful if done by a professional.

What Are the Risks of Blowing Your Nose With a Septum Piercing?

When considering blowing your nose with a septum piercing, it is important to understand the potential risks and complications that can arise. Blowing your nose too aggressively or forcefully when you have a septum piercing can cause various issues such as:

-Pain: Blowing your nose too hard, especially right after getting pierced, can aggravate the area and cause pain. This pain may be short-term if done correctly but could become longer lasting if done incorrectly. If you experience discomfort during or after blowing your nose with a septum piercing, it is best to take a break from blowing your nose for a few days until the discomfort subsides.

-Infection: Forcing air into your nasal cavity too quickly when you have a septum piercing could cause the jewelry to move or even be pushed out of the hole. This can create a pathway for bacteria or other pathogens to enter and cause an infection. If this occurs, it is important to see your doctor right away as infection can spread quickly and lead to more serious complications.

-Damage: Blowing your nose too hard with a septum piercing may also damage the tissue in your nasal cavity, leading to scarring and distortion of the area surrounding the piercing. This type of damage can cause permanent disfigurement if not treated correctly so it is important to take extra precautions when blowing your nose with a septum piercing.

Tips for Safely Blowing Your Nose With a Septum Piercing

Blowing your nose with a septum piercing can be tricky, but it doesn’t have to be. Here are some tips that will help you safely blow your nose without damaging the pierced area:

• Use soft tissues instead of regular handkerchiefs or paper towels. Soft tissues are less abrasive and won’t cause any extra damage to your piercing while you blow your nose.

• Blow one nostril at a time. Blowing both nostrils simultaneously may put too much pressure on the piercing site, so try to avoid doing this if possible. You should also take breaks in between blowing each nostril to give the tissue time to rest.

• Blow gently. While you may be tempted to give your nose a hard blow, this can actually do more harm than good for your septum piercing. Try to keep your blowing pressure at an even level and don’t push too hard when clearing out the mucus from your nose.

• Avoid spraying any water or saline solution into your piercing area as this may introduce bacteria into the wound and slow down healing time.

• Pat dry the pierced area after blowing. Be sure to pat the area with a soft cloth or tissue afterward so that any remaining moisture is removed. Allowing moisture to linger around the pierced site could lead to infection or discomfort, so make sure it’s well taken care of.

• Avoid picking at any crusting or scabbing. Picking could cause the piercing to become irritated and set back healing time. If you notice any crusting, gently clean the area with a saline solution instead.


Blowing your nose with a septum piercing can be tricky but doesn’t have to be impossible if done correctly. Here are some tips for how to do it safely: use soft tissues, blow one nostril at a time, blow gently, avoid spraying water or saline solution into your piercing area, pat dry the pierced area after blowing, and avoid picking at any crusting or scabbing. With these tips in mind, you should be able to safely blow your nose with a septum piercing!

FAQ About Blowing Nose With a Septum Piercing?

Q: How do you clean boogers off a septum piercing?

A: You should clean boogers off your septum piercing carefully using a saline solution. Gently wipe away any debris from the area with a cotton ball or q-tip soaked in the saline solution and pat dry with a soft cloth or tissue afterward. Avoid picking at the piercing to prevent irritation and slow down healing time.

Q: Is it hard to blow your nose with a septum piercing?

A: Blowing your nose with a septum piercing can be tricky but doesn’t have to be impossible if done correctly. Try blowing one nostril at a time and keeping the pressure even while blowing. Avoid spraying water or saline solution into the pierced area as this may introduce bacteria and slow down healing time. Pat dry afterward and avoid picking at any crusting or scabbing.

Q: Can you blow your nose after septum?

A: Yes, you can blow your nose after getting a septum piercing as long as you take extra precautions to do it safely. Be sure to use soft tissues instead of regular handkerchiefs or paper towels and try to blow one nostril at a time while keeping the pressure even. Avoid spraying water or saline solution into the pierced area and pat dry afterward with a soft cloth or tissue. Finally, avoid picking at any crusting or scabbing on the piercing site.

Q: Can you blow snot out of your nose piercing?

A: Yes, you can blow snot out of your nose piercing as long as you take extra precautions to do it safely. Use soft tissues, blow one nostril at a time, keep the pressure even when blowing, avoid spraying water or saline solution into the pierced area, pat dry afterward with a soft cloth or tissue, and avoid picking at any crusting or scabbing on the piercing site.