Shattering Stereotypes: The Truth About Septum Piercing

by Nick Hall

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The septum piercing is becoming increasingly popular due to its versatility and fashion appeal. Unfortunately, this has led to a lot of misconceptions and even stereotypes about those who choose to get a septum piercing. Many people associate piercings with being rebellious or believe that only certain types of people get them. However, the truth is that anyone can get a septum piercing; it is all about personal expression and individual style.

Here are some ways we can shift the public perspective when it comes to septum piercings:

1. Emphasize Their Versatility – Septum piercings are versatile in terms of their placement, size, and shape. People can opt for a more subtle look or a bolder statement. This versatility makes them suitable for any occasion, from an everyday look to something more special.

2. Showcase The Benefits – Septum piercings are not just about aesthetics; there are plenty of physical and mental benefits too. For example, they can help with pain relief, improved posture, and the release of endorphins which help to reduce stress and anxiety levels.

3. Highlight Their Safety -Septum piercings are actually very safe when done correctly by a professional piercer who follows safety protocols and uses sterile equipment. It is important to keep the piercing clean and follow the aftercare instructions provided in order to avoid infection or complications.

Septum piercings may not be for everyone, but at least now there is an increased awareness of the benefits they offer.

common misconceptions surrounding septum piercings

One of the most common misconceptions surrounding septum piercings is that they are only for certain types of people. This could not be further from the truth! Anyone can get a septum piercing regardless of their gender, age, or lifestyle. It is simply about personal expression and individual style.

Another misconception is that septum piercings are only for rebels or those who want to make a statement. While it is true that some people may choose to get a septum piercing with this in mind, many others just find them visually appealing or appreciate the versatility they offer.

Finally, there is a widespread belief that getting a septum piercing is painful and dangerous. In fact, when done correctly and with the right aftercare, septum piercings are fairly safe and not nearly as painful as people might imagine. Keeping the piercing clean and following post-piercing instructions can help to reduce any discomfort or risk of infection.

With a more positive attitude towards septum piercings, we can start to see them in a new light: one of self-expression and acceptance.

woman portrait with hat and white headphones and blurred background

Stereotype #1: Septum Piercings are ‘Unprofessional’

The stereotype that septum piercings are ‘unprofessional’ is an outdated one. While this may have been true in the past, many successful and respected professionals today have chosen to embrace the look of a septum piercing without it impacting their work or reputation.

For example, singer and fashion icon Rihanna is a well-known advocate of septum piercings. She has been seen sporting them on red carpets, magazine covers, and during interviews with major media outlets. Similarly, pop star Miley Ray Cyrus has also been spotted with her own septum piercing numerous times while attending high-profile events such as the Met Gala or making appearances on talk shows such as The Ellen Show. Finally, Lady Gaga is another example of a successful professional who proudly rocks a septum piercing.

These are just a few examples of celebrities who have chosen to get their septums pierced without it negatively impacting their career success or public perception. It goes to show that attitudes toward body modification are changing in many professional circles.

The reality is that body modifications such as septum piercings no longer have the same stigma attached to them in many parts of society. In fact, they are becoming increasingly accepted as a form of personal expression and individual style. Those who choose to get one can still be taken seriously and respected for their work regardless of whether they have a piercing or not.

In addition to established figures in the entertainment industry who openly wear their piercings, there are many everyday professionals who are doing the same. Corporate employees, entrepreneurs, doctors, lawyers – all of these individuals show that piercings do not equate to unprofessionalism.

Furthermore, with an increasing number of companies adopting more relaxed dress codes and work attire norms, it is becoming increasingly easier for those with septum piercings to comfortably express themselves without fear of intolerance in professional settings.

Overall, it is important to remember that body art such as septum piercings does not equate to unprofessionalism; rather it should be seen as a form of self-expression that can coexist harmoniously with success in any career field. By challenging outdated stereotypes and embracing individual style choices we can create a more accepting and inclusive work environment.

Stereotype #2: Septum Piercings are Only for ‘Rebels’ or ‘Punks’

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The stereotype that septum piercings are exclusively for ‘rebels’ or ‘punks’ is one that has been around for decades and it is time to challenge this outdated notion. While some may choose to get a septum piercing with the intention of making a statement, many more simply find them visually appealing or appreciate the versatility they offer.

Septum piercings have become increasingly popular over the years and now people of all ages, backgrounds, and professions can be seen sporting them. These include young adults looking to express their style as well as older individuals who are wanting to switch up their look in a subtle yet stylish way. Professional athletes, corporate executives, and entrepreneurs – these are just some of the diverse groups of people who have chosen to get septum piercings and proudly rock them.

In addition, it is worth noting that septum piercings are no longer confined to those looking for a ‘rebellious’ look; they have become increasingly mainstream and even embraced by some as a fashion statement. High-profile celebrities such as Rihanna, Miley Ray Cyrus, and Lady Gaga are all known advocates of this body modification and regularly sport their own stylish septum piercings on the red carpet or during talk show appearances.

The reality is that there is no single type of person who gets a septum piercing – different individuals from diverse backgrounds choose to express themselves with this body art in various ways. By challenging the outdated notion that septum piercings are only for ‘rebels’ or ‘punks’, we can help to create an accepting environment where everyone feels free to express themselves without fear of discrimination.

Septum piercings may not be for everyone, but at least now there is an increased awareness of the benefits they offer and why they should not be stigmatized.

Stereotype #3: Septum Piercings are Painful and Unsafe

The stereotype that septum piercings are painful and unsafe is one that has been around for years. Although it is understandable why people may feel apprehensive about getting a septum piercing, the reality is that with proper care and maintenance, it can be a safe and relatively painless process.

When done correctly, a septum piercing should only cause minimal discomfort due to the numbing agent applied before the procedure begins. Additionally, experienced piercers will use sterilized equipment to ensure safety during the process. It is also important to make sure you choose an experienced professional who understands how to properly insert jewelry into the area in order to reduce any potential risks or complications.

Once your piercing is done, it is important to follow proper care and maintenance practices in order to ensure safety. This includes regularly cleaning the area with an antibacterial solution, changing jewelry as recommended by your piercer, and avoiding excessive touching or manipulation of the piercing.

It is also important to make sure you are aware of any potential risks or complications associated with septum piercings before getting one. These may include reactions to certain metals used for jewelry, migration (movement) of the piercing, rejection (piercing being forced out by the body), or infection due to improper care.

Overall, while it is understandable why people may be apprehensive about getting a septum piercing due to its perceived pain and risks, the reality is that it can be a safe and relatively painless process with proper care and maintenance.

As long as you make sure to do your research, choose an experienced professional piercer, and follow the guidelines for aftercare – then a septum piercing is a great way to express yourself in body modification without having to worry about potential complications.

Stereotype #4: Septum Piercings Have ‘Negative Spiritual Connotations’

The stereotype that septum piercings have ‘negative spiritual connotations’ is one that has been perpetuated through the years. While it is true that certain cultures may associate this form of body modification with negative symbolism, for others, it can be an expression of individual identity or even a symbol of strength and power.

For centuries, septum piercings have been associated with different cultural symbols around the world. In some Native American tribes, a septum piercing signified marital status as well as strength and courage in battle. Similarly, warriors from the Aztec civilization were known to wear nose rings made from jade or gold to signify their bravery and courage in battle.

In Hindu culture, septum piercing is also associated with spirituality and is believed to help balance the energetic forces of the body. In some parts of India, septum piercings are even given as gifts to new brides on their wedding day.

While it is true that different cultures may associate a septum piercing with negative symbolism, it is important to remember that the spiritual meaning behind it can be subjective and personal. For some people, this form of body modification may be nothing more than an expression of individual style or self-expression; while for others, it could be a symbol of strength and power or even a reminder of their faith or beliefs. Ultimately, it all comes down to personal choice and preference.

No matter what the spiritual significance may be, it is important to remember that septum piercings are a form of self-expression and should not be judged. Everyone has the right to express themselves through body modification. Septum piercings can be an amazing way to do just that – so don’t let outdated stereotypes tell you otherwise.

Stereotype #5: Septum Piercings are ‘Unattractive’

The stereotype that septum piercings are ‘unattractive’ is one that has been perpetuated for years. This outdated notion ignores the fact that body modification is a personal form of self-expression – especially when it comes to beauty.

In reality, there are many examples of widely considered attractive individuals who have chosen to express themselves through septum piercings. From celebrities like Rihanna and Miley Cyrus to models like Cara Delevingne and Georgia May Jagger, these women have embraced their individuality by choosing to adorn their faces with a septum piercing – proving that beauty comes in all shapes, sizes, and forms.

Of course, septum piercing is not only for women. There are plenty of male celebrities and models who have also embraced this form of body modification, like Jared Leto and Zayn Malik.

Additionally, there is a vast array of septum jewelry designs available to choose from, allowing individuals to express their own personal style through the piercing. These range from classic horseshoe-shaped rings to intricate pieces with colorful gems or dangling charms – making it easier than ever for people to express themselves in a way that is uniquely theirs.

At the end of the day, beauty and attractiveness are subjective concepts that everyone has a different opinion on. No matter what someone else may say about how “attractive” or “unattractive” a septum piercing is, it all comes down to personal choice and preference. If you feel like adorning your face with a septum piercing is an expression of your individual style and identity – then go for it! Ultimately, the only opinion that matters is your own.

So don’t let outdated stereotypes tell you what is “attractive” or “unattractive” when it comes to septum piercings – instead, embrace your individuality and express yourself through body modification without fear. After all, beauty comes in all shapes and sizes – so why not show off yours with a septum piercing?

woman with hat and sitting and looking on a cup of tea

VII. How to Shift the Perspective

Stereotypes surrounding septum piercings have been perpetuated over the years, but it is possible to shift the perspective and open up people’s minds to different points of view. Education is key in dispelling these outdated notions – as it helps to provide a more accurate representation of the culture and symbolism behind body modification.

Here are some ways readers can help combat these stereotypes:

• Sharing accurate information about the cultural significance behind septum piercings – whether from our own knowledge or research online.

• Challenging bias whenever we come across individuals who may be spreading inaccurate information.

• Embracing diversity by showing support for those who have chosen to adorn their faces with a septum piercing, regardless of how it is perceived by others.

• Starting conversations about body modification and its various meanings – allowing those who may be curious to ask questions without fear of critique or prejudice.

• Using our own platforms to spread awareness and reshape the narrative around septum piercings.

At the end of the day, we all have a responsibility to challenge outdated stereotypes and help create an environment where everyone feels comfortable expressing themselves. By taking these steps, we can shift the perspective on septum piercings and open up people’s minds to different points of view. So let’s get out there and do our part!

Reframing the Narrative

When it comes to septum piercings, we’ve discussed how outdated stereotypes have perpetuated the notion that they are ‘unattractive’ – but this simply doesn’t reflect reality. We’ve seen examples of widely considered attractive individuals who have chosen to express themselves through a septum piercing, and there is also a vast array of jewelry designs available for those looking to express their own personal style.

At the end of the day, beauty and attractiveness are subjective concepts that everyone has a different opinion on. By educating ourselves about the cultural significance behind body modification and shifting our perspective on septum piercings, we can help reshape the narrative around them and open up people’s minds to different points of view.