What Does My Nose Septum Ring Mean to My Queer Identity?

by Nick Hall

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Are you a queer person looking to express yourself in new, creative ways? Do you want to show your queer pride in a subtle yet meaningful way? If so, then a nose septum ring might be the perfect addition to your style. In this blog post, we’ll discuss what your nose septum ring means to your queer identity and why it’s worth considering as an accessory.

What is the Meaning of a Septum Piercing in Different Cultures?

Septum piercings have a range of meanings in various cultures around the world. In India, it is believed that a nose piercing can ward off evil spirits and protect against bad luck. In the West, the nose ring is seen as a symbol of femininity and strength. It is also often seen as a sign of rebellion, particularly among young people who are challenging societal norms. In some LGBTQ communities, septum piercings are embraced as a sign of pride and expression. Gobel, a member of the queer community, found that her septum piercing had personal meaning to her: “I didn’t get it because of my sexuality, but I definitely think there are some connections there.” Ultimately, no piercing belongs to any one gender or sexuality – it’s all about personal expression.

What Does it Mean for Queer People?

Septum piercings have become a popular accessory amongst queer people, both men and women. They can be used to signal identity and solidarity with the queer community, as well as to express individual style. Noserings are often seen as a sign of defiance and that makes them attractive to queer people who often feel marginalized and discriminated against. In addition, the specifics of presentation among LGBTQ communities are so ingrained that some piercings have become synonymous with certain groups, such as ‘butch’ women wearing nose rings. The idea that piercings can be used to signal identity is not exclusive to the queer community – traditional Indian wedding pictures show ornate nose piercings on elegant brides for example – but for many in the LGBTQ community, a septum piercing can be an important symbol of self-expression and identity.

Signaling Through Piercings

Signaling through piercings is a popular way for queer people to express their identity. It’s a way to express individuality and stand out from the crowd. Piercings, particularly cartilage, nostril, septum, and eyebrow piercings, are a common way for queer people to show their identities. In Hindu culture, it is traditional to choose the left side for nostril piercings. Tattoos, non-traditional hair colors, and piercings beyond the earlobes are also common signals of queer identity and can help affirm an individual’s sense of self. Many people believe that tattoos and piercings have become more popular due to the “upping the ante” hypothesis in Western culture. While it is true that septum piercings have become increasingly popular among queer people, they don’t necessarily mean that someone is gay or lesbian. Nose piercings do not make someone gay or lesbian—only being romantically attracted to people of the same sex as you means you are gay or lesbian. Ultimately, it is up to each individual person to decide how they wish to express themselves through piercings and other forms of body modification.

The Significance of Piercings in Indian Culture

In Indian culture, piercings are incredibly significant. Wearing a nose ring symbolizes marriage in many parts of India, particularly in the Hindu religion. A married woman is rarely seen without her nose ring and it is seen as a sign of her status and commitment to her husband. In South India, Brahmin widows are expected to wear a nose ring and other forms of body jewelry to show their widowhood status. However, a lot of young girls choose to put on the nose ring to show their disobedience against the norms of society and assert their own identity. In Western culture, nose rings may have a different meaning than in other societies, such as Indian communities which often use them as a sacred form of body modification. Nose piercings were popularized in India by royalty and were adopted by commoners as a sign of beauty, wealth, and status. Septum piercings were also worn by warriors in some cultures as a sign of fierceness and power. It is clear that nose piercings and septum piercings carry deep symbolic meanings in Indian culture and can be used as a way for queer people to express themselves and assert their identity.

The Significance of Nose Piercings in the Lesbian Community

Nose piercings have become a popular part of queer representation and signaling, especially within the lesbian community. Many lesbians have adopted septum piercing as a way to express their identity and show solidarity with their queer community. The septum piercing has become a symbol of strength and self-confidence for many lesbians. It serves as an important part of their queer presentation and helps them to feel connected to other members of the LGBT community. Additionally, nose piercings are seen by some as a way to challenge traditional gender roles and stereotypes. Furthermore, the piercing is often seen as a sign of rebellion against heteronormativity, which is often associated with beauty standards and expectations. By wearing this piercing, lesbians are proudly displaying their queer identity and making a statement that they will not be silenced or pushed aside by society.

My Personal Experience with a Septum Piercing

I personally felt empowered wearing my septum piercing. I chose to get the piercing as a way to express my queer identity and show my defiance against gender norms. It signified a sense of rebellion and freedom, and I felt like it was a subtle way to make a statement. For me, the piercing was not only aesthetically pleasing but also meaningful in terms of how it represented my own personal identity. It also had a spiritual significance in that it was associated with the left nostril in Ayurvedic sciences – a revered Hindu healing system – is closely tied to female reproductive organs. As such, I felt like it was a symbol of strength and femininity that I could proudly wear.


In conclusion, nose piercings have a variety of meanings and associations in different cultures around the world. From being a symbol of gay pride to a sign of commitment in ancient Eastern culture, nose piercings have been used to express identity and signify belonging for centuries. For some queer people, wearing a nose septum ring is a way to publicly demonstrate their queerness and embrace their gender identity. Although it is important to recognize that everyone has their own unique relationship with body modification and piercings, it is undeniable that the practice holds deep meaning for many queer people.